Monday, September 27, 2010


I have lived near major Great Lakes most of my life and am familiar with wind.  Last night, I heard those kinds of winds as the power went off and came back on after gusts large enough to wake me.  My day started at 4:30 am when I could no longer return to sleep after the beeping equipment in the medical clinic, where I'm sleeping, could no longer contain itself.

That wind shook and rattled everything outside.  It was like a huge blowing away of energy, by energy.  A cleansing of sorts.  My one running thought in the night was this:  thank God I'm not flying in that right now.  I bet the pilots hearing that wind thought the same thing.

When I spoke to folks about my flight in each one of them said that this village is the very worst in and out due to winds and weather effects.  Nice, when I interviewed I was flown in and out of the other village to see if I could handle the flight and landing on that short runway.  No problem. I flew into this village on a clear day during my interview week.  Hmmm.  I have way more respect for this village's flying challenges.

Today, is another day full of challenges, all nestled in this beauty, provided by our Higher Power, of the water and mountains surrounding us. 

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