Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mountain Snow

When I woke and looked out this morning, the mountain tops were bare.  Now, I'm sitting close enough to watch out my office window the snow falling on the mountain top.  It is spectacular.  My office is situated about 100 yards from the bay and on the other side of the bay the mountains rise up from the water's edge.  I can see the individual trees to about half way up the mountain.

My office mates exclaimed that we should all look out the window.  And they sit and stare in reverie and awe as though they have never seen this before.  The moods of Mother Earth, the season changes, the natural movement of the air, winds, rain, snow and all creatures around us, create the essence here.

One Native was explaining this morning that she was so glad she had hugged a friend recently even though he said he was dirty, probably from smoking fish or something.  She had told him that dirt washes off and grabbed that hug.  The next day he crossed over and she's so thankful she had that hug.  The culture struggle, she explained, lies between the youth who have left the village to live in the city and the folks who live the village life.  She said she's afraid they would have missed that hug because it would get their dress clothes dirty.  She said her smell, her scent, any dirt on her, her clothes do not define who she is and we need to hug and hug and hug.

I just know I'm having a peaceful moment in my office watching the snow fall on the mountains, over the top of the monitor as I write to you.  I wish all of you all the hugs and love you can possibly gobble up today.

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