Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hello.  The website for Homer is  Often called the cosmic hamlet by the sea.  I felt drawn to the spit today.  The sun was shining and although only 61 degrees it was warm enough in the sun for short sleeves today.  I parked in a new place and looked up to see this sign:  Energy Enhancement. 

The placed looked closed, the open sign was dark and yet I felt drawn toward it.  I walked down to the Marina and followed a path and ended up walking back to that place.  The door was closed and I could hear people inside.  It occurred to me to just stand there and if the door opened I was meant to go in. 

The door opened and a woman beckoned me to come in.  A Chiropractor and another energy healer were in there along with some of their friends and family.  I stood there and words fell out of my mouth, "Ah, I just moved here and my back hurts and my heart feels heavy and I have important work to do and I'm standing in my own way."  The Chiropractor responded, "You're a healer and if you're standing here then you are supposed to be right here, right now."  That was about it.

So, I received an adjustment, had my neck moved around and loosened up, had a hot stone massage and lots of gentle words of encouragement.  They told me that the villages had been suffering for many, many lifetimes and that they did not know how to be loved right.  They told me that when I enter a village I do so as a Medicine Woman, a Healer and they knew that upon meeting me.  They said my words alone would help heal the people and that I would help the next seven generations and that my work would be easier if I remained open to the ancestors of these people who had invited me to help them heal.

I listened and told of my anguish at my human body storing painful feelings, thoughts and stories and that I wanted more than anything to be the healer who could be the vessel without taking on the sickness.  They told me that since I wanted it so badly it would happen.  They encouraged me to drink black tea, grape juice and lemon water.  They encouraged me to sit in a whirlpool tub or jacuzzi, to call my family and friends and to remember every day to ground myself between Mother Earth and the night stars.

I left that building three hours after I entered it.  Their family took me in, fed me and encouraged me to seek out the healers in town, the musicians and the artists.  As I sit in my home typing this I wonder if this actually happened today.  It seems surreal.  I just know I have a glass of lemon water sitting next to me, no pain in my back or neck and a new found hope. 

1 comment:

  1. How do you find these people? You have many gifts, my friend.
