Friday, September 10, 2010

Second Post: Things I Don't Want to Eat Again

Hello.  First, I am so excited my friend from Michigan is following my blog.  Thank you.  Here's the scoop today.  My friend Barbara said I might try paragraphs and good grammar.  I informed the professional editor that this will be a free-flow blog.  I believe she will need to read for content, not style, lest I offend her grammar sensibilities.
Since my arrival in Alaska I have been asked to try seal meat, smoked halibut spine, red salmon, kipper salmon spread, smoked salmon, fish eggs, chocolate chip cookies with pistachios, sourdough Alaskan style and coffee from several places.  I will not be eating soon the fish eggs or seal meat.  I think those items require an acquired taste. 
I want to think about my next blog some tonight.  I am having thoughts about my teachings regarding the treatment of elders.  An elder told me, and the people we were with, that I am her new daughter.  Her niece told me that she has never made anyone her daughter outside of her own children.  She told me this is a huge honor and I asked what is required of me.  She replied, "I don't know cousin, you'll have to ask your new mother." 
I know in my tribe it means that I provide care and listen patiently to teachings.  I can do that.  It doesn't mean I give up my own mother, just that I've been given someone else to help me along.  Things I know so far:  Elders eat first here too and their food is brought to them.  People quiet down around Elders and show respect.  They do make jokes about Elders vs. Olders, meaning one earns the right to be called an Elder.  In my tribe that distinction is Elders vs. Seniors.  And, people stand when an Elder arrives at a table and when they leave the table.
I fit right in here.

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