Monday, September 20, 2010

Burning Basket Tonight

The evening starts with a potluck and someone brings the best curry halibut, someone else homemade grape leaves and yet another peanut m&m's, oh yes, that was me.  They were a hit!

Three hundred people gather for the annual Burning Basket ceremony, on the beach, where the community works on this large basket, under the direction of the artist, Mavis.  The purpose is to weave the community together like the basket, place all worries, concerns, prayers, gratitude statements, whatever, in the basket.  All of our burdens and prayers are lifted with the sparks.

As it dusk sets in, there is drumming around the fire circle, people hitting the 5000 pound gong and lots of visiting is going on.  There are three pieces of interactive art.  The gong, named Gong But Not Forgotten, the Labyrinth and the Basket.  The mood builds as the drummers get more intense in their playing and the gong sounds out. 

Torch bearers enter the circle in the dark, the drums pick up and the basket is lit.  As the basket is burning, fire dancers appear and spin around the basket.  It is mesmerizing, the drum beats, the dancing and the fire. 

The night was made more special by the presence of two kidney donors.  My friend Sue donated a kidney to a singer, and a man John donated his kidney to the singer's brother.  The brother passed three weeks ago and the town was mourning him.  He had walked 28,000 miles of back roads. 

  I saw all sorts of clothing, met lots of people and thought this ceremony summed up  I think the story is best told with the photos.  Enjoy.

Fun art around the walk.
The sunset

our burdens and prayers go up with the sparks
on the basketHomer big hood sweaterscarving on the gong baseImagine Tolerance  Imagine That
Fire dancer


1 comment:

  1. It sounds like a great ceremony. I'd bet the M&Ms WERE a hit! :) You should try the M & M Pretzels - YUM!
