Monday, September 27, 2010


Alaska Speak

(How to talk the talk in the 49th state)
DUGDOPE — mosquito repellent
THE BUSH — any place not connected to the rest of Alaska by road or state ferry
CACHE — a place to store food where bears, shrews and everything in between can’t get at it. Usually a small log cabin raised 10 feet off the ground on four log poles.
CHEECHAKO — a newcomer to Alaska, usually one who hasn’t survived a winter here
ESKIMO ICE CREAM — whipped berries, seal oil, sugar and snow
MOSE GOOSER — the Alaskan term for the "cow-catcher" on a train
MOSQUITO — in Alaska, it’s a bird of prey
SOURDOUGH — an Alaskan old-timer; the term applies to the yeasty mixture that gold miners used to carry to make bread and pancakes
TERMINATION DUST — the first snow after summer, which signals winter is on its way, and the tourists will be leaving

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