Monday, December 20, 2010

Holiday Fun

This blue picture is but a memory.  The winter snow and ice are really here.  I find that though I am readjusting to the cold weather after my trip, I am doing so with an enjoyment regarding the cold weather.  Michigan is never far from my blood.

I find the holiday season to be full of people who cannot help but experience every hurt as though it is magnified by the lights of the holiday season.  I spend hours providing therapy to crying adults and children who feel such incredible sadness during the season to be jolly.  Children express deep regret and sadness as they deal with a devoted love to their parents who place alcohol ahead of the children.  Teenagers lament their pain at loving their parents and being so angry with them.

I am brought to the absolute gift of honest, safe, open communication.  I have heard people say that they love the 12-step programs in that they can be honest, open and feel understood.  I think that any time we have to censor our words so that they don't get caught in someone's resentment trap, modify sentences midstream so as not to be misunderstood, we are living in a loneliness making situation.  There is a freedom in having around us those that give us the benefit of the doubt. 

I love the attitude of, "I can't wait to hear what you have to say."  There is so much acceptance and gracious encouragement in that nonjudgmental communication.  I have had that in my life and have it now wherever I turn.  I have to say that these opportunities to happen, to unfold naturally with loved ones is a gift made ever so clear to me each day I spend with clients who do not feel heard my loved ones.

I love to love and now in my life that same love is extended to me, from me.  It is extended from me out to those who want to receive it and me in my full splendor.  You see, each of us is that perfect child of the Creator, splendid, magnificent, wanting, giving and royal.  I hope the lights of this holiday season, and of all those to follow, make shine that which is life giving to each of you.  Happy Holidays.

Sunrise, Sunday, December 19, from my front step

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