Sunday, December 12, 2010

Breathe in/Breathe Out

The four agreements talk about not taking things personally.  In fact, emphasized is the extreme selfishness of taking things personally.  Really, is not the most primary relationship each human being has the one with their own Creator?  Perhaps, each person, in concert with their own Creator, while Co-Creating evolves by bringing each human interaction home to their heart for examination.  This is not the same things as taking things personally.  Instead, the very process begs the question, "What gift did this human interaction provide for my growth?"  Followed by, "And, how will it make me more about relationships with others than focused on the little package of me?"

How can we both serve and take at the banquet of life?  How can we hold the serving dish in one hand, the spoon in the other and have a free hand to take?  As the plate is lifted toward us to receive that which we are dishing out, do we smile at the person to whom we're providing the nourishment?  Is their smile back, the pleasure they are receiving the gift returned?

When it is our turn to sit at the table and be served, we turn our head upward toward the provider, smile and extend our plates to receive the gift.  We offer our thanks, turn our attention back to our plate and the others sitting around us.  We exclaim about how good the food looks on our plate, we pass the pepper and salt and ask others how they are enjoying their food.  The exchange is full of the give and take that makes all of us with open hearts full to the brim.

I recently wrote a list of attributes I was looking for in playmates, friends and a someday lover.  I was hoping for at least some of these commonalities.  The list went like this:
  1. Must like curry; speaks to the sense of adventure, the ability to taste all of life.  Okay, must at least not hate curry.  Must love Indian Cuisine.
  2. Must like olives and must love to dance.
  3. Must love God, Creator, Great Spirit...needed to write that one first.
  4. Must be available,  like I am to talk all night if the need be.
  5. Has to have an intense sense of adventure.
  6. Super adversity to small talk, tedium and ho hum.
  7. Loves the outdoors and exploring.
  8. Gets that Mother Earth gives us everything we need.
  9. Gets that the Great Spirit forgives us everything and provides us with whatever we need.
  10. Understands that each person is struggling and provides support, not judgment.
  11. Gets that each of us has small things that embarrass us, are personal to us and need to be quietly avoided.
  12. Knows that ambience is essential; smell of baking cookies, fire in the fireplace, flowers in the hotel room, candles and Christmas lights at the ready.
  13. Loves, loves, loves music.  All kinds of music.  Wound for sound, speakers, sound systems...
  14. Loves to sing and bonus if they can sing well.  How fun to harmonize together.  
  15. Has an addiction to Bose.  Period.
  16. We naturally have each other's best interest at heart.
  17. It's easy to give and receive from each other.
  18. We are good listeners.
  19. We are good risk takers with our feelings.
  20. We love to ride anything fast.
 This list resulted in so many great adventurers wandering into my life.  My friends here love Karaoke and laughing for hours mixed in thoroughly with evenings full of potlucks and curry dishes.  My friends in both Oregon and Michigan drop into Indian Cuisine experiences with enthusiasm.  We own Bose and other stereo equipment, we share hours of music, we laugh, love, explore outdoors, ride fast outdoor fun machines, listen hard, give each other the best and the benefit of the doubt, sing, laugh, dance, pray together and gain joy from making each other happy.  I am so blessed, loved and supported.  And, the real blessing to me?  That so many feel blessed, loved and supported by me.  I know because they tell me so.

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