Thursday, December 16, 2010


I am having so much fun being in Anchorage this week.  In a weird way I have begun to enjoy the cold, the stores and the fitness room at the hotel.  I'm here as part of my work team participating in strategic planning.  We're big thinkers with lots of ideas and passion for what we do.

I was going to go to REI tonight and then had the calling to go to the spa at the hotel.  I worked out at lunch time with both weight lifting and cardio and my body thought the spa sounded better than exposure to more cold air.  So, spa done, free dinner in the lobby waiting and more rest coming.  I have a great room, large tv, awesome pandora/speakers playing.  I am warm, happy, loved and contented.  These moments when everythng comes together were meant to be shared.  If you're reading this I am thanking you for loving  me.

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