Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Day, New Year

The wind is blowing hard tonight.  Clean up on Mother Earth.  Out with the old, in with the new.  Old as dirt; dirt that has blown around for centuries or longer.  The original recycling of all.  Is there a space far enough away for the wind to blow out what is old?  I am thinking about the cyclones, the tornados, the push of wind and water everywhere so large that news stories focus on the power of Mother Earth and the Powerlessness of the people.  The wind is blowing hard tonight, clean up on Mother Earth.

No need to fear anything in the New Year.  If the wind is recycling all that is said, blah, blah, blah and done, then we've seen it all before.  Another theory; the wind may bring to us things from far away places. Messages carried on the wind.  Who knows how to talk, read and understand the language of wind?

 Natives believe that all scent and sound is carried on the wind.  Parable:  the wind and the sun were having an argument about who could get the man to take off his cloak.  The wind boasted and blew and blew and the man held his cloak on.  The wind gave up and the sun took over.  The sun just lit up and in no time the man had taken off his cloak.  The gentle approach, otherwise known as heat, accomplished the task. 

The wind is invisible and yet much is described as being carried on the wind.  The wind moves the tide, the waves, the currents.  The wind carries our scent to animals.  The wind moves the tree branches, carries along the birds in flight and bounces our little bush planes around.  We talk about the winds of change. 

Can the winds bring change or do things stay the same?  Can wind reach the place where we think, reach into our brain?  Wind through our hair, kites held in the air and the windmills of our minds.  So, how do we actually accomplish that out with the old in with the new thing?  Where do we put the old?  I believe we recycle it, repurpose it and regurgitate it. 

I recently heard someone described as a windbag after he monopolized a meeting.  I laughed because that term has always been funny to me.  There was such disgust in her spat out windbag. 

So, out with the old, in with the news.  Breaking news, that is.  Another year of herding our thoughts and ideas into the stalls.  Like the car is stalled, the engine is not turning over, we're going nowhere riding on the waves of carefully installed fear.  The boogie man, the big plan, the end of man.  Where will it all end?

I think I'm supposed to care about all of this and yet I just know that the Creator has a real plan, a real hope for woman and man.  So, I'll ride the wind, ask for direction and use faith as the rudder to take me places where higher thoughts lead to higher hopes.  I'll climb on for the continued magic carpet ride, the spirit time, the no reason or rhyme, rhyme or reason, tis the season to say, Happy New Year and to be believing that this year will be the one. 

So, here's to learning to speak Wind, to finding a place to place the old that you out, and for open arms to welcome the new.  Here's to leaning with the winds of change in a flexible way.  Here's to breathing in and breathing out; in other words to gaining comfort with both giving and receiving.  Here's to accomplishing change like the sun on the man with the cloak, not as a windbag forcing others to listen.  Here's to hearing the Good News, tuning into the highest frequencies where only love exists. Peace.

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