Thursday, January 27, 2011

Guitar Hero 5, to be precise

I recently had a visitor who went to hang her coat in my closet and saw the stack of boxes containing Wii, Guitar Hero 5 and the like up in my closet.  I had a tv given to me here in that I had lent mine to someone else in Salem.  This tv here has some qualities one remembered from years past and so I thought better of trying to hook a bunch of electronics up to it.

Not so much my friend, however, she hooked all of it up let's say 10 minutes, whipped out the guitar and started to jam.  Keep in mind that when I moved into my cabin I didn't even have a microwave.  There was no beeping, humming, background noise of tv, nothing.  I loved the silence, loved it.  I started slowly adding creature comforts to my life and the noise level escalated.

So, that night there was a fire in the woodstove, the winds was blowing and the cabin was rocking with tunes.  I was able to hook my bose speakers to the tv so the sound really is loud and great.  She is accomplished at this game and thus I found those flying fingers impressive.  Watching her, though, I thought that is just not something I see myself doing well.  She was/is fast.  So, this past Saturday night, while on Skype together, I asked how to get started.  I did beginners, strumming for a little while, she moved me to easy and I started to add notes.  On Tuesday I decided that I had been at this for a few days so I should try medium difficulty.  I was being told that most people take a year of practice to move through medium.

Okay, I have two new addictions: skype and Guitar Hero 5.  I burned through four medium sets and am now having to practice hard.  The goal has become not to get kicked off before the song ends.  Last night Kryptonite smoked me and I went to bed wondering if I could get through it.  This morning, I did.  You see, my goals in life have become pray easy, pray lots, pray hard, work hard, work easy, play hard, play easy, love easy, easy love, love is easy, love hard, not love is hard.  I am having so much fun with toys, friends, dancing.  I am finding out that the Creator does mean for each of us to have prosperity and love.

I have no hate for anyone in my heart.  I love that feeling.  I have ceased judgment and accepted that I am not God and am not qualified to judge anyone.  I have no idea what the big picture of their life has done to them.  In other words, the more humility I live with, the more fun I'm having.  Get that.  Who knew?

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