Friday, October 8, 2010

When It Comes Right Down To It

I worked sick with the flu this week.  I found my way through a funeral, supporting lots of people and working to bring a sense of closure to many folks.  And they supported me.  I was never without hot soup, bread and phone calls to see if I needed anything. 
Most interesting to me were these observations this week, at least these that I can share publicly:
  • I was taken care of as I was taking care of others
  • I was told by several Native Alaskans that I have the beautiful eyes of a spirit healer.  Several elders exclaimed, "Look at those beautiful Indian eyes."
  • I learned that I am never alone wherever I am
  • I learned that with enough pain relievers, stomach medication and decongestants, I can fly home in a small plane when sick
  • I saw a huge bird sitting by the runway.  I thought it was a turkey from up in the air, however, it was the biggest eagle I have ever seen.  It was huge.
  • I learned that Anchorage is called Los Anchorage up here
  • I burned lots of sage because the place  where I was staying had lots of very strange noises in the night, footsteps, doors shutting and general mayhem while I was trying to sleep
  • King Kong is a rather dumb movie in my opinion but better than nothing when you're sick far away from home
  • I learned never to sit with the traditional elders at a feast because they try to get you to eat disgusting food choices:  trust the appearance of no dish
  • I learned that Native Alaskans are really very worldly in many ways
  • I am remembering that it is best to go where open arms receive me, where judgment is suspended and where people want to know your heart, not what you can do to serve them
  • I am remembering that it is hard to let go of past negative experiences to trust new experiences and that there are truly good people who give just to give, just because it gives them pleasure to give
  • I remembered just how amazing my family and friends back in Michigan are and what they have taught me about loving myself and each other
  • And, I love care packages:  thank you Pat and Barbe
  • Life is good: Mish'n gwa

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures are phenominal! I wish I could be there, too.
