Saturday, October 16, 2010

Peaceful Saturday

Today is a good day to nap.  I have gotten to help someone get through a struggle.  I helped someone else deal with the death of a loved one.  All this connecting while I look out at the mountains that look like the Smokey Mountains today.  There is this beautiful blue haze.
The water is so pretty, the spit is busy and the mountains wear their frosty hats.  I am going through this really great time in my life where I am surrounded by beauty.  I am surrounded by it, maybe I always have been, however, I am waking to it.
I have four people who always, and I mean always, encourage me to be myself.  Who else could I be?  But I get what they mean now.  Be true to myself.  Love myself.  I am finding that when I take care of myself that I draw to me people who want to love and treat me well. 
I am letting go of resentments and know that I have been loved well to that place.  I am clearing out, so to speak, that which does not serve me to my higher purpose.  It seems that this work here demands that of me. 
Throughout my life, people have commented on my being a breath of fresh air, authentic, real.  Those qualities are essential to my work here so if my head is not screwed on straight, then, it reflects in my work.  I don't have the luxury of nursing a grudge, or blaming other people for my problems or sitting in resentment.  What I feel becomes real in a sense here.
So, I have had a day full of love and encouragement and have had the privilege of giving the same.  Nice time to take a nap.

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