Monday, October 11, 2010

We Just Have to Show Up

I feel as though I'm supposed to be getting ready for something, getting prepared.  I keep thinking that I just have to show up.  So, I tried that tonight in one of the villages I serve.  They had experienced a tradegy two weeks ago and when I tried to talk to people, they said they were okay.  I walked around the village tonight, just showing up, smiling and saying hello, and these same people shared how they were really feeling.

I had been sick and did not want to go to work today and thought I'd just show up.  I ended up having a special day with many connections.

I showed up in Alaska, following the call.  I showed back up in my own life not so long ago after my own tradegy four years ago.  I show up at the office, the social events that lead to meeting people and in making those phone calls to loved ones.

It's the simple adages that are starting to make sense to me.  Showing up, doing my best and forgetting the rest, doing my part, taking care of myself and knowing that all of Creation is moving in the path intended.  Flowers just show up in the spring, seasons just show up every year and I'm showing up in a good way more each day.

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