Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Flight In Between the Snow-Covered Mountain Peaks

These pictures were taken on my Monday flight right on between the mountain peaks.  Tonight's flight was very funny.  Let me tell you how.  Imagine a six-seater plane, taking off with three of us in serious wind conditions.  We were rocking side to side while we landed in Seldovia to pick up more passengers.  So, big sighs of relief were released all around when we taxied safely to a stop.
Two young women and a baby climbed in behind me, I was in the middle row, with their singing, happy baby.  Then, I recognized the other passenger getting ready to board with several pieces of luggage.  All of this luggage was packed in behind the two women and the baby.  The pilot suggested my colleague climb in beside me and she announced, "Wait, I have my dogs too."  She went to her vehicle and brought out three small dogs, one small black dog and two szhnauzers.  The black dog was handed in to my colleague in the co-pilot seat.  The first szhnauzer, Mr. B, came onto my lap and then the family nurse practioner that I work with got in beside me and the third dog, Lilly was placed on her lap.  I looked around at the pile of luggage behind the back seats, the two women behind  me and the talking, laughing baby, then at the laps around me, all holding dogs, and thought about the added weight for take off in the winds.  Then, I laughed to myself.  Where else would all of us be flying together and holding dogs on our laps. 
The flight went smoothly from that point with a rather noisy landing, lots of rubber on runway sounds, and then we started to pile out.  Donna, with her first dog, then she took the one off from my lap, then I climbed out and the pilot handed me the third dog.  Donna went to get her vehicle and I had that third dog on a leash while I tried to get my backpack and bag.  Then, we all trudged off to our cars, said goodnight and drove off.  All in a day's work.

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