Friday, March 11, 2011


Fitness level we're working on returning to.  Leigh two years ago.

We have had so much fun in Alaska.
Leigh in Portland looking a little different than when she is in Alaska.
Leigh in Alaska; the entire outfit, sans hat, is mine.

Life has taken very interesting turns.  When Leigh and I first met, we each had significant struggles.  After months of sharing a very deep love we have both come through many things to arrive at different levels.
We're handling life together, with a devotion and caring that really does put each other first.  When the property management company called from Michigan on Monday to announce a huge septic system repair, we worked through that together.  When I was put back in a camwalker and placed in painful physical therapy for weeks, we handled that.  We got our passports, changed my address to Portland, studied for my National Examination together and I passed that.
We have faced challenges together, things tough to any relationshipp, and more so for a new joining.  We talk at all hours, skype and work toward living together as soon as we can.
All has come into a new light for me tonight after waking to the tsunami warning siren a few hours ago.  We are a village on alert for the next several hours.  Leigh and I had fallen asleep on skype so she heard the siren and has been awake with me tonight as we wait for our waves and wind to hit.
It is amazing ride, this, and I am happy with my life-partner choice, with knowing that we are working toward being together and with the peace I get when I trust the Creator to take care of all things. 
It is the morning after the tsunami warning.  I am tired, however, I am so grateful that we are all okay.  My prayers go out to the people who are dealing with loss everywhere today.  My next adventure will be my bush plane ride out of Nanwalek at some time when the planes can make it in.  Bush pilots are amazingly fearless and very good at what they do.  They land next to the beach here on a short strip.  I'm glad that strip is still out there this morning.

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