Sunday, February 20, 2011


I spent the past month in Oregon taking care of a lot of business and pleasure.  I was sent outside from Alaska to take care of myself while a difficult situation resolved itself.  I thought I would have to adjust to the noise and traffic, however, I have been able to relax.

Leigh and I moved our lives forward and today spent the day in my storage area looking for ways to merge our households more.  I moved every box in there which was no small feat.  I am grateful for the help from the foot surgeon. 

Last Friday I took my National Examination and passed.  I was amazed to get the results right then and there.  That was the last step in Oregon licensure.  It could transfer to Alaska as well. 

So, in one month, we completed the exam process, registered as domestic partners, started to merge our households and we're leaving for Alaska in a few days.  Leigh gets to spend 10 days there with me.  We have lots of friends waiting for us to celebrate passing the exam, becoming legal partners and Leigh's turning 50 in the beginning of March.  I would say that my life is coming together in some amazing ways.

All glory back to the Creator.  And, I might add, I have had a blast with my friends in Oregon whenever I was not deep in my studies.  We're planning our Michigan summer trip and all that entails.

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