Monday, November 15, 2010

What a Weekend

I would have to say that long walks on the windy, cold beach, warm food shared with a friend, gatherings centered around music and laughter and crisp, cold weather all make for a weekend happy camper.  I had conversations this weekend that are secretly imagined and rarely realized.  How fortunate for me.

Today, it is very windy and the pilots are checking conditions.  I will be flying out at 10:00 to Port Graham and returning either today or tomorrow.  This all depends on weather conditions and specific situations. 

I am able to carve out in all this newness, spaces for me.  My home is my sanctuary; I allow only positive energy.  My body has become an exercise for me in loving acceptance of the aging process.  I also feel an awe and wonder that I can still lift a television if I want to.  I can work out hard and I can do things to stay strong.

I have encountered some scary situations on my job here and am realizing that I nearly let fear consume me.  The flights have their own fear factor and then the rural remoteness and situations I came here to address add another element.  My Creator did not bring me this far to leave me now; I get that today.  I didn't feel that so much in the middle of the night.  Weird, how the light of day brings more of a peace to any situation.

So, I ask for your prayers of support and I ask that you do something incredibly kind for someone today.  That someone can be you. 

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