Tuesday, November 9, 2010

First Real Flight Delay

I called the airport and they said that they have a very narrow band of opportunity to make it out to the bush today.  We are "trying" at noon were the words that he uttered.  I'm on that "trying" at noon flight.  How fun is that?  Does that mean we hit these bumpy, crazy turbulence and then we turn around when we can't push through?  I guess I'll just have to write you later regarding the turnout today.

I think I really like snow.  I know it's early in the season and I'll get sick of it in some time.  I just love the cold, crisp air, the silence.  I am already too warm in layers of garb and so am backing off a bit.  I think the adjustment makes this cold more fun for me.

I know the summertime here will be amazing and I'm making plans now to really enjoy myself.  There will be kayak adventures, exploring Prince William Sound, Halibut Cove, Fairbanks, huge parks, glaciers and who knows what else will be out there.  I'm heading out to catch my flight.  Say a prayer.

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