Friday, November 12, 2010

A Typical Day in Homer, Alaska

I was sitting in Two Sister's Bakery with my friend yesterday and we decided that we needed winter pedicures.  We might be in Homer, AK, however, we thought this service could exist near us.  We saw a woman walk in with lovely makeup, nicely done hair and fashionable clothing.  Keep in mind, she stood out.  This is Alaska.  We knew we could ask her about pedicures.  I think you see where this is going.  She kindly looked at us in our Patagonia jackets, rubber boots, headbands, wind pants (we had just come from a walk on a windy Alaskan beach) and announced, "I am a skin specialist and I work here in Homer."  Michelle and I looked intently at each other's flushed from the wind faces and announced we could probably use her services too.  She didn't disagree.

She pointed us in the direction of the Toe, Tips and Waxing place for our pedicures, gave us her card and reminded us to call.  We finished our lunches and merrily made our way to the Toe Lady.  She was too busy to see us since it seems she books solid.  Who knew how popular pedicures would be here in Alaska?  She is the only service provider in a large area.  She told us that she helps people with health problems and such and that doctors as far away as Anchorage refer clients to her.  We took her card and decided our time would next be spent best getting library cards.  Alas, they were closed on Veteran's Day-- we sincerely thanked all soldiers, discussed how precious our freedom is and with this reminder and headed on to other adventures

Suffice it to say, we explored, walked, romped, played, talked and enjoyed that freedom that had been hard won for us.  It was fun.  Tomorrow night a group of new buddies are having a game night.  Tonight Michelle would like to go clubbing.  We have three to choose from.  Bars stay open in Homer until 4 a.m. and I swear this place is like Northern Exposure on steroids. 

I have another day off, however, Michelle has to work today so I'll study for my license exam, go for a walk at the beach and gear up for perhaps a wild night.  People play here.  Whew.  I had two months of being alone in my cabin whenever I wasn't in the village.  I trusted the Creator that fun, loving, good, caring people would be revealed to me right here in Homer.  And it is so.

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