Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy TGD

It has been awhile since I have written, however, I found this experience one that sat me down to do so.  I picked up the chair of the board where I work on Tuesday night.  I waited with her at baggage in the small airport and she said, "Wait, I have to get my turkey."

I asked her if she always traveled with a turkey and I received that look.  So, I watched for the red luggage her turkey was in.  I took it off the line, it was very heavy, and rolled this large suitcase, holding a turkey to my car.  She explained that she might have gotten weathered in while staying in Anchorage and she had to be sure her turkey was going to thaw on time.  She was flying from Anchorage, staying in Homer for the night, and flying on to Port Graham the next day.

I brought her to her hotel and she asked if I couldn't take her turkey home so that it could stay outside in the cold for the night.  I lugged it out of the back of my car, since I do have bears and did not want to explain the missing turkey.  I put it in my nice shed, the suitcase, for the night.  The next day I lugged it back out to the car and went to pick up our board chair for breakfast.  So far I had pulled her turkey to the car, pulled it out of the car and put it in the shed and pulled it back to the car.

We finished her TGD shopping in Homer in that there are really no large grocery stores in the village in which she lives.  I drove her and her turkey, her holiday groceries and her other luggage to the airport to bush plane into her village.

It was my last time to lug the turkey luggage as I placed it in the airport for loading on the bush plane.  I think this Alaska gig is really interesting.  I hope you all had a great holiday.

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