Leigh took this photo from our front yard in Alaska. No words describe this level of ethereal.
Hello. I write to you from Portland, OR, where I am reuniting with my spouse after being gone for one month. It has been hard to be apart after joining together. I am so happy to be home with her and thinking, planning and being together. I love our cabin in Alaska and I love also that home really is wherever we are together.
There is much to do in regards to joining our lives in this physical constructed reality. Each of us has had dreams that we have surrendered to time consuming relationships. Each of us has been involved in life in a way that pushed to the back the ideas and hopes we had as kids. Each of us understands what it is like to sit in the row boat with a partner who rows for the opposite shore, rowing against each other and away from successfully living out potential. Sad that, however, we are not alone and many a person sits still in their 50's and wonders where they got derailed.
Then we watch movies. We read books. We listen to friends. We listen to people at gatherings and somewhere in us this ember deep inside each of us begins to glow just a little more brightly. We sit in prayer, we meditate, we smell a flower, feel the breeze on our face, and sometimes sit in a boat and feel the breeze and sun on our face. We open our senses to the smell of water, the sound of the sea gulls, the taste of ice tea and we know that these moments swell like the light from a firefly. We see our path as lit in that moment to sitting fully where we are, exploring, knowing, feeling....content. And then we get it; if we think about all these moments like strings of lights on a Christmas tree, each light a moment lit by the same current, we see it. One current runs through the wires that fill the space between each light, each moment. One current, powered by a source strings together each of these beautiful lights. Each light, moment, though in a separate space on the current, is part of that string of lights, that strung together produce the ooh and ahh's sounds from human observers.
That's my life, I am my own string of lights, I am made up of each of those moments lit by one current, one source. Strings of lights come in different colors, just like people. Strings of lights come in different shapes, just like people. Strings of lights come in different lengths, just like people. And when we join our string of lights together, called family and friends, we light up the planet. I am beautiful on my own; my moments are beautiful, my source is beautiful. And while I was in Alaska, away from my Leigh, with my string of lights, I felt just a little less bright. We stayed plugged into the same source, the same source of power and current, however, the physical touch is where we join our lights together. Think about hugging a child and how both the adult and the child get "lit" up. Think about petting a cat, a dog, any animal and remember how both get "lit" up. Think about holding the hand of your lover and glow with that smile.
I am home right now and I am feeling our connection, our needs, our happiness at being in the same space and realizing that we need to put each other first. Not one other opinion, but that of our Creator, matters when it comes to putting family first. She is my mate, my friend, my reason for lighting up in the morning. I feel so peaceful just writing this. Like the picture up above. The moments before, the bright light moments, glow as memories, the dark moments might actually be the cord between the lights, still connected to spirit and learning for the next bright light show. And the moments to come? Well, as long as I stay connected to the source, each bulb will get that little twist it needs, just at the right moment to light up and join the others. Further, as long as I stay connected to the people who love me, I'll never have to feel alone and neither will they. What great purpose we have together, this, being the light of the world.